

Water Disinfectant


"Making Your Water Safe to drink"

Why NANO-S Water Purification Tablets to treat water?

  • Many water sources throughout the world, even after filtration, remain contaminated and require some form of disinfection.
  • NANO-S enables areas without access to water disinfection systems to benefit from the advantages of water treatment without any infrastructure requirements in a speedy and cost-effective manner.
  • NANO-S tablets are simple to use, easily transported, cost effective and affordable to low-income groups.

Nano Silver products and additives are effective against an enormous array of disease-causing organisms; including bacteria, spirochetes, viruses, fungi, yeast, unicellular parasites, etc., without harming healthy flora or damaging human, animal or plant tissue. The activated nano particles are between 10nm to 20nm in size and it has, in different applications and circumstances safely helped to protect against threats from disease causing micro-organisms. While the active ingredient particle size of our silver is smaller than 20nm, it is quantum dotted on a natural anti-bacterial carrier molecule which is bigger than 350nm, which renders our very unique product to be non-cytotoxic and very potent.

It is a stable molecule with complete bindings and thus it cannot react to oxygen. Because of this, our nano silver does not oxidize and does not cause any oxidizing stains and discoloration making it uniquely non corrosive.

Unlike colloidal silver and other variants of it, our Nano Silver is non-cytotoxic and CAN NOT cause argyria

Our advanced nano silver is a natural antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, immune booster.

It was with this in mind that our research and development team at NANO-S set out to create a unique product that could offer the benefits of chlorinated water in an easy to use and affordable product. The result — NANO-S`s Water Purification Effervescent Tablets.

NANO-S is committed to driving a significant positive health impact globally by improving access to safe drinking water and developing and manufacturing cost effective disinfection water solutions.

“Because household water treatment techniques can be cheap and the impact of improving water quality dramatic, household water treatment and safe storage can produce huge health and economic benefits.”
NANO-S Water purification tablets are effervescent tablets which kill microorganisms in water to prevent cholera, typhoid, dysentery, and other waterborne diseases.

NANO-S Tablets are available in a range of tablet sizes. Each tablet size is formulated to treat a specific volume of water – ranging from 25L to 10,000L
